The hallowed ancient cemetery of the Holy City of Tzfat was founded centuries ago by the early Sages who buried the great leaders of the Jewish People there.
Every generation receives the task to preserve this special place and to pass it on to the generations that follow until the coming of the Righteous Redeemer, speedily in our days. Amen.
The Tzfat cemetery is administered by a staff under the direction of the Chief Rabbi of Tzfat and the Upper Galilee, the ga’on Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu shlita, who has established the development, the preservation, and the restoration of the holy gravesites there as a primary objective.
HEKDESH BEIT HA’CHAIM TZFAT is developing the new Tzfat municipal cemetery, adjacent to the ancient cemetery, and has established a marketing project with the objective of enabling Jews living in the Diaspora to acquire a burial plot in the Holy City of Tzfat after 120 years, and to continue to be protected by the holy gravesites of the giants among the Jewish People who are interred there.